WORKSHOPS on request
"The Boundaries and Consent workshop was utterly invaluable and helped the company so much - it set them up for success.” (Jennifer Higham, Actors from the London Stage).

Workplace and show specific versions available. The initial Boundaries & Consent (B&C) session takes place with Cast, Stage Management and Director. We require a minimum of 1.5 hours for this session. This is an opportunity for all the company to check in with their own boundaries, explore some tools for comfortable working practices and provide a shorthand which can save valuable time in the rehearsal room. The B&C session is show-specific and as part of this session is an opportunity to form a Company Agreement (an agreed rehearsal culture, entirely guided by the company’s wants and values).
DE-ROLE 2hrs
Acting requires one to be vulnerable. Even the most experienced actors can suffer the effects of playing emotionally exhausting scenes night after night. De-roling is about taking time to remove the character from the self after rehearsals, a show, or the run. We use a process of connecting to the neutral body, shifting the mode of embodiment from that of the Character back to the Actor.
The Consultancy is a 2 session package, specific to the production. We take the SM team through all the DOs and DON'Ts including law, paperwork and procedures (1.5 hrs). We then visit in the technical rehearsals to train the actors and go over all the backstage logistics (1.5 hrs). The Consultancy can be delivered as a stand-alone, or as part of our services as fight director.
We equip you with the necessary knowledge to prepare for violent and intimate moments in a production. We look at the whole process, from pre-production and casting through to maintaining a long running show, establishing a comfortable environment with complicit working practices, and practical realities such as appropriate language, leading warm ups and calls. Available as in person or online, with a tailored version for Teachers.
RFT can be delivered either as a full day or split into Theory parts 1 & 2 (2x2hrs) plus practical BANG! (3hrs)
Our Industry recognised course is the only one of its kind in the UK. It is an essential component to Stage Management Training as endorsed by the Stage Management Association. We began offering Replica Firearms training in 2005, preempting the 2006 VCRA (Violent Crimes Reduction Act). Our course offers comprehensive practical training and guidance including UK gun law and has directly affected attitudes to the safe working practices of Replica Firearms use. Available as in person. Theory available as online.
BANG! a half day
For those who wish to gain practical experience and confidence in operating purpose built blank firing handguns. We use airsoft and replicas to safely practise handling and operation techniques, before graduating to blank firing RIFs for loading/unloading, clearing jams, cleaning and a lot of firing experience. We employ tactical training drills culminating in team work actions and exercises.
Most films and theatre productions involve an element of violence. However, budgets can be tight and compromises have to be made. We will help you to ensure that safety is not one of them. Expecting your actors to choreograph their own action is an unnecessary risk, which could cost you more in the long run. In this workshop we explore how you make informed choices to protect the physical and emotional safety of your actors. From pre-production and casting to the practicalities of rehearsals, choreography and the shoot/performance. Learn about your responsibilities, the law, appropriate weaponry choice, how to utilise your Fight Director/Action Coordinator, Doubles and Actors, varying abilities, setting boundaries, the paperwork protocols and safety procedures. This workshop can be tailored for Theatre or Film Makers.

"I can't recommend RC Annie highly enough. They are good value for money and the students love working with them. They put safety first while making it fun and really care about the work and the students experience. Their agent is on hand to make sure the school doesn't need anything else. Stage fighting is conducive to supporting: creativity and sensible risk taking. Unlike dance, where the positions have to be perfect, stage fighting is about using the body as a dynamic instrument. I found that the girls in workshops really like that many of the instructors are women. They expect that it will be the boys' forte, but when a female instructor arrives, the girls realise that their preconceptions about stage fighting were wrong and that they can be every bit as good as the boys." DAVID KENWORTHY - MARLBOROUGH COLLEGE.
We are committed to creating a safe and creative environment that promotes cognitive and physical development. We offer a range of workshops and a bespoke service to suit any learning outcome.
For performers of all ages (6 and over) who want to have a go at stage combat. We take you through the basics, from learning how to fall safely to throwing punches and kicks, and selling reactions. Unarmed for 6-13yrs, with options available for 14 yrs+ to work with swords. We provide the Tutors and any weaponry from our armoury.
BLOOD & GUTS! 3hrs, 10yrs +
Blood bags, Blood capsules and more! Messy but fun Blood FX. Get to grips with the gorier side of fights and mock injuries without breaking the budget or compromising safety. You provide the Blood and we’ll supply the knowledge! Remember to bring a change of clothes because you will get messy and sticky.
We offer a range of bespoke workshops for different productions and styles. Previous workshops include…
SLAP BANG WALLOP! 2hrs, under 16yrs.
BATTLING THE BARD. 2 hrs, under 18yrs.
SWASH-BUCKING. 2hrs, 16yrs +
SCRAP. 2hrs, 18yrs +
BADC CERTIFICATION COURSE. 5-10 days or weekly, 16yrs+
The British Academy of Dramatic Combat is the oldest stage combat organisation in the world with internationally recognised qualifications. Intensives are full time courses from 5-10 days which culminate in a BADC examination or showcase. Weekly classes will require a minimum of 40 hours training in order to examine. Many Drama Schools, Colleges and Universities offer Stage Combat as part of their curriculum. Stage Combat naturally brings together all of the performer core skills such as Voice, Movement and Acting into one coherent discipline. Courses range in length depending on the choice of BADC Level. Tutors and all weaponry are included.
This workshop has been extremely informative. Since lockdown I have participated in various zoom workshops which should have been face to face, and this has by far been the most engaging and informative. The fact you are able to give examples from your own experiences were really helpful in keeping explanations clear.
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